DAY 3: Working Makes Snacking Go Away!

Day 3, again I’m not really missing anything but since I’m back to work I don’t have as much time to think about it.

Breakfast Day 3-I started my day with a banana, it’s not oatmeal but it did the job.

Lunch Day 3-I was so busy at work today, I didn’t have time to snap a photo of my lunch but you guessed it TUNA!  I ate the rest of my tuna salad and some yogurt.

I have an apple sitting on my desk, in case I get the need to snack, but I think I’ll leave it there until I get desperate and want to hit the vending machine!

For dinner not sure what will be on the menu, I’m hoping to use the ground turkey meat I bought this week for some kind of pasta dish, but we’ll see what I come up with.

Dinner Day 3- I decided to use the pork chop I bought and used the George Foreman and grilled it up with some spices I already had.  As a side dish I added the rice I had and it came together as a pretty good dinner.  My husband also had some since we had a an extra pork chop in our freezer.

This was a super easy meal to throw together as well.  We both tired from working out and long days at work and we had this entire meal put together in 20 minutes.  I usually use pork for fajitas and other dishes but I forget how good it tastes all by itself.

As day three comes to an end, I’d say this challenge can still work.  I’m not missing anything and am getting excited to challenge myself to come up with 4 more days of meals!

I’m excited to see what I come up with for tomorrow!

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